Thursday, October 2, 2008

boring may want to skip this but i have been thinking alot about this blogging thing and i really like it....the thing seems like every sunday there is a mention about keeping a journal....well....i suck at it!!!so this blogging is now becoming my every sunday i come home and think to myself....that is a grand idea but i just don't ever seem to have the time....i even think to myself that even if i could do it just once a week i would be doing good but i just can't seem to do it....i started to read about every one and i loved it....then the few posts i made and recieved comments on i loved got to the point that i was getting on at least 3 times per week to check out what everyone was doing and to see if i had recieved any comments.....funny little side note....when i get comments it is like christmas i get so excited....but anyways i decided to blog about all of the random things i keep thinking that i should be journaling about....part of it was also that Kortni's seminary teacher wanted to know some funny things she did when she was little and Jon and I could not come up with anything....sad isn't it???????????but in our defense she was a really laid back kid that did her own we think and think and think and only came up with 2 that were probably not seminary appropriate so i could not share..............sooooo i will share on the blog..........when she had just learned how to talk we were up the mountains and she was standing in the front seat of the truck with her uncle Eric....and out of no where yells "where the HELL do you think you are going?" the other one was we went somewhere with one of jons very very very churchy friends (i was pregnant at the time) and she told this friend that she had a baby in her tummy too....well he says, "how did that happen" and she says "my daddy put it there" now she was only 4 so she had no idea how bad that sounded but his friend told him that he better hope she was not sharing that story with anyone else cause he may end up in trouble since we live in a sick and twisted world........then on to Kam...........we have story after story about that girl......right after we moved here she did a dance at the school and jon did not get there in time and he missed it.....well as soon as she walks in the door she walks over to the bottom of the stairs and yells up to jon "hey weeeeeeener!!!!! you MISSED my dance" so the rest of the night when jon talked to her she would say "ok weener" or "sure weener" everything she said she added weener to the end.....and then to top it all off jon didn't even notice......i asked him about it and he had no idea what i was talking about...............well that is all i can think of for now so sorry about the length...but i figure if it is toooo long you don't have to read it you can skip over it


Natalie said...

Ha ha ha funny Kort. The only time I've kept a jornal is while I was pregnant. I wanted to have something for Karson when he was older. Then I discoverd blogging and the rest is history. I write a TON, and I don't care if any one reads it or not, but I feel like I'm at least journaling something. Miss you!

Chris and Kandice said...

those crazy kids!! They do provide some good entertainment. Anyway it's good to see you blogging... You WEENER!! Hahaha love you guys.

Laralee said...

It's so fun to read about what is going on in your world. Your girls are great! It's nice to feel like we are able to be apart of your life even though we are far away. We miss you guys! All our love.

Valerie said...

So for some reason I have always been able to write in a journal. It's kind of my way of telling someone all of the personal stuff I really don't want to tell anyone. I have also started keeping a book called "Brianna's Funnies." She says the funniest things, and I know I have already forgotten half of them, so now I am going to try and write them down. But my blog is kind of like our family yearbook. This way I can remember all of the silly little stuff we did that I might not right in my journal. I think it is awesome that you are on the "blog train." It is so fun to find out what is going on with you guys! P.S. Your pictures are in the mail!