Tuesday, September 23, 2008

so i do not have much but i thought this was funny........i was just released from second counselor in the young womens and put into the secretary in the young womens..so during sacrament meeting kort leans over and says "is secretary under the counselor?" i said yes and she says "why did they release you, did you suck?" nothing like a child to be so uplifting...but i will say i asked to be moved to secretary because then i do not have to teach..the kids are so disrespectful it is not even funny...here is an example...i was teaching a couple of weeks ago and one of the girls got up in the middle of my lesson and starting to run her fingers up and down the piano...now i don't know about you guys but when i was that age i don't care how bored i was i would have never even imagined doing that...KIDS THESE DAYS...mine would die if they even tried!!!!!!!!!!!!also kort was kidding...or she would be dead j/k


Sharr said...

wow--our ward in phoenix was like that---very disrespectful girls... it's totally unacceptable i think--luckily our new ward has fabulous girls, i can't believe the difference--it's interesting what a difference. it all goes back to the parents and what they've taught their kids though i think--my kids would be dead too :o)

Sharr said...

okay, so i don't have your email--so hopefully you read these--i'd love to come down and do the calendars, i'd probably have to bring my girls unless it was a weekend ricky was off, i'd probably come friday night, do it saturday and then leave saturday night-- do you think you could get maybe 10 calendars?? like i said they'd have to be pre-ordered/paid so i can get everything cut--let me know what you can round up.... that would be a fun little trip :o)

Valerie said...

I am the second counselor in the young women's! I've only been on for about a month, but it's gone good so far. I was in charge of an activity last week, combined with the young men, and it was actually the boys I wanted to strangle, not the girls. We only have about 6 girls, and usually about 2-3 come to church. I haven't had to teach yet, but I will soon, and I am nervous. My child would also be punished SEVERLY if she ever even though of doing something like that! I will make sure and send you some pics, and thanks for the comments!