Thursday, September 3, 2009

this ones for you Natalie and Val

We just got pictures of Karson and Easton in the mail today. And quite some time ago we recieved some of Brianna. Thanks to both of you. I really love seeing them grow and how dang cute they are. And of course my girls are ecstatic when they get them. Above is the collection they have of them. It is kind of funny that I recieved the pics of Karson and Easton because I was just about to post a blog titled (one of these things is not like the other) with the picture of Kortni's room. So a big thanks to you Nat. And Val I am so sorry I haven't thanked you yet, I still have your card on my kitchen table to remind me to send you a thank you and I keep forgetting. So I guess this is your card. Sorry!!! But the real reason i am blogging is because Kambree just brought her pictures up to her room to put away and said, "how old was Brianna when we first got pictures of her?" and then she continued saying how cute she was. Then she says, "you know, when she gets older she is not going to have any problems finding a boyfriend because she is so cute." She said it was because she got her moms pretty face. Now I have to agree she is quite a doll. And Nat your boys are so stinkin cute I can't wait to see you guys. Love you....So here is you pic

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Growing up

Why do our kids have to grow up sooooo fast. Jon is always saying "look, our little Kortni is growing up!" So today we went to a school play because Kortni was helping with the props and when we got there she was handing out programs and taking tickets also. As soon as Kam saw her she says "oh, our little Kortni is growing up!" She is such a mini Jon it is not even funny... Also we had a message on our answering machine yesterday from the library where she has been volunteering and they have a program that will pay her for working in the summer and they wanted her to apply. The lady that called said she kind of gets a say in who is hired and she really wanted Kortni and her friend to do it. I guess she really is growing up....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Day

Both of my girls had excellent grades for third quarter. They both had one B and the rest were A's. I am so thankful that they are so smart because I have been out of school WAY too long and they are learning things I cannot help them with anymore. What a dummy.....
Look at this lovely little gem I found when I was going through Kams homework. Look at the second sentence about how she is so abused. It is kind of hard to read but it says " I was scrounging for food because my mom would refuse to go to the store.

When we were there for Christmas we were driving down the street and saw a man snowblowing the sidewalk. Kam looked up and said "that's funny he is mowing the snow." Obviously she has never seen a snowblower.

some more Kambree funnies

The other day I was writing a few things down that i needed to pick up at the store. Before I left I asked if i was missing anything and Kam says, "let me see" when she hands it back this is what i see. The cough drops were for Kort and the light bulbs were for me so I guess she felt a little left out????
A few years ago Kam made a rule in our house that who ever did not kneel for family prayer would have to say the prayer for that night. For some reason she hated to kneel so most nights she would end up saying it. So as usual we get ready to pray and she is not kneeling so I tell her she needs to say the prayer to which she replies "I'm kneeling in my heart." Kids pick up on everything, Jon is always saying he has a prayer in his heart or he has a song in his heart(because he refuses to sing in sacrament meeting.) So needless to say since Jon taught her he got to say the prayer.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Yesterday when Kambree got home from school she informed me she was sooooo tired but she still had a chapter and a half to still read in her book. She had to take a test on it today so she wanted to know if I would read it to her since I can read faster. So as we are laying in bed last night reading, she informs me she cannot keep her eyes open any longer and wants to know if I could go ahead and read it and then give her a summary on it in the morning. So apparently she does not know what cheating is!!!! So i explain to her that this would be cheating and she would have to listen to the entire thing. It always amazes me the things we just expect kids to know. I forget that we have to teach them everything!! So Chrissy i looked at your blog and I was not removed. Thanks for the love!!!